Feeling Stuck?

We all have that moment now and then when we're uncertain as to what the next step is. Where's God going to use me next? We want to see what the next year to ten years will look like. And we get confused about our calling. We think that if we're not fulfilling our calling right now, we must be useless. At least that's sometimes how I feel.
If you're feeling this way, I can only encourage you to do 3 things:
1) Spend time in Prayer.
There is no better way to clearly hear the Lord's direction or receive insight from the Holy Spirit than through prayer.
2) Spend time in the Word
Dive into a book of the Bible and just read. The Word is living and active and far from boring. Every time you open it you will see something that you didn't see before, no matter if you've read it a hundred times or you've never read it at all.
3) Spend time in Community
People need people and oftentimes people need help. You can give help or receive help to those around you. God is in the business of divine appointments. If you're unsure of what your next step is, it's not a surprise if God brings someone into your life at just the right time.

Make a list or write down and journal what specifically God is calling you to do this year, next year, in the next 5 years, and even 10 years from now. I did this and it helps tremendously! Let me give an example...
I know in my heart that God has placed a calling of missions in my heart. So I asked myself...

What is the next step I have to take or what can I do to prepare for...
_____Insert your Calling_____

And write down what your next step is or what you have to do to prepare to fulfill your calling. For me it's prayer, talking to people, and seeking the Lord's guidance.
God is God and He is able to get you to where He wants you to make a difference in His kingdom. Don't grow disheartened. He's still working in your life.

What's your next move?

For further reading on this, check out Desiring God's article on the topic!


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